"Striving to make women healthy"
501(3)c Community-based Non-profit Organization
WELCOME! The Health and Fitness 4 Minority Women (HF4MW) Inc. non-profit organization is a 501(3)c community-based awareness and prevention/intervention program that emphasizes on eliminating health disparities among low-income minority and underserved women ages 18-65 within racial/ethnic communities.
HF4MW uses this awareness program as a needed implication for creating a better quality of life and to reduce the burden of diseases, risks of high mortality rates and other chronic health conditions such as, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, cerebrovascular, the burden of cancers, and other adverse health conditions minority women .
Since 2001, HF4MW Inc. has implemented a HF4MW Inc.Continuing Education Certificate Program (CECP) that provide continuing education programs for the purposes of
helping not only women, but their families, daycare's, private entities and students desiring to advance their educational career to achieve a better life and brighter profession in today;'s teaching society. The continuing education certificate program meets the standards of the California Teaching Certification in completion of a California teacher's preparation program which gives students the permit to teach Early Birth - 3rd grade children as well as apply for a teaching credential program for the purpose of becoming either a part-time or full-time instructor. The CECP is approved by the National Professional Organization Accreditation: Education Code 44374 (f) Alignment with the 7B California Accreditation Framework System and the California Psychological Association (CPA).https://www.psychology.ca.gov/licensees/ce_faqs.sht.ml
The goal is to implement both educational improvement and awareness resources that will aid in modifying minority women behavior towards a better quality of life as well as help minority women deal with eliminating the various health disparities which initiates internal and external pressures that put them at risk for unhealthy lifestyles.
HF4MW Inc provide minority and under served women health through health education resources, prevention and intervention regiments through physical fitness programs/projects, , gala/conferences, yearly events, physical and programs,physical and , , community health initiative programs, and health program .
HF4MW Inc. future goals is to open up various facilities that provides health education, physical and mental health services, community initiative health and higher education programs within the Bay area of California and across the nation, where full health services will be given. Presently our goal is to build or own a 15,500 sq ft Office building that incumbents a called "Fit City 4 Minority Women" where women will be able to receive health educational resources, medical service referrals, mentoring, nutrition classes, continuing education classes and physical and mental health consultation, first within the Bay area of California, and become a national health educational awareness and prevention/intervention that partners with local, State and national public health advocates and practitioners that cater to low-income minority and under served women in the United States.
The mission at HF4MW Inc is to foster private partnerships/sponsorship with other health and educational related organizations. To promote health education and prevention awareness nationally within racial/ethnic communities. HF4MW Inc. will use its continuing and health education methods as a tool to bring together local racial/ethnic communities for the purpose of providing educational disciple for improvement as well as spreading health education messages in a culturally and linguistically manner.
“The Health & Fitness 4 Minority Inc. (HF4MW) is dedicated to improving the quality of life of minority and underserved women affected by chronic health conditions and those who are at high risks due to family traits and socio-economic environmental conditions.” HF4MW Inc identifies, defines and advocates the needs of minority women with health disparities and mental health issues such as, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, , , depression etc.., and plans and implements strategies to meet their needs.
Our organization inspires primarily to establish networking relationships and to implement initiatives addressing minority women health issues. HF4MW Inc proposal directly addresses our mission by: improving the quality of life for minority and underserved women with chronic health issues, participant advocacy, meeting their physical and mental health needs, and informing/educating the community on eliminating health disparities, along with mental health awareness.
The aspirations of HF4MW Inc. are to create community-based health educational programs, seminars/workshops, continuing education programs, physical , and self-improvement projects and an overall holistic venture that incorporates the aspects of increasing a better health among minority and under served women within racial/ethnic communities. HF4MW Inc. will also create ways to provide a healthy services to minority women urban communities by motivating and stimulating the need for them to become physical active which will improve their self-image and nutritional habits, enlighten minority women on the various health issues and most of all how to acquire a healthier lifestyle. HF4MW is committed to its strong interest in minority , and for our caring ability to helping minority women reach their physical endeavors.
HF4MW's values pertain to a valuable mission and vision statement for the improvement of a healthier lifestyle for minority women is the basis for which our organizational strategy is built. HF4MW understands the importance of Minority women living a healthy lifestyle HF4MW's see values as a guided resource for motivating minority women as individuals, community groups and organizations to handle life stressors, improve diversity and develop specific skills through education.
HF4MW Vision: Eliminating health disparities among low-income minority and under served women
Implement educational resources that enforce physical/mental health awareness among minority women within racial/ethnic communities.
To provide self enhancement programs that will help minority women to increase motivation, strengthen confidence and raise self-esteem.
To help decrease health disparities such as obesity, heart disease, hypertension, , and other physical health conditions.
To develop specific physical fitness and to improve upon minority women quality of life.
To help minority women to improve their self-images, and handle life stressors.
To enhance good nutritional habits, improve diversity, develop specific skills, as well as become familiar with various health issues and how to live a healthier lifestyle.
To train minority women and develop community-based advocacy leaders/partners.
To create physical/mental health community centers that specifically cater to minority women health.
Health and Fitness 4 Minority (HF4MW) efforts to advance its mission will include:
Achieve the highest standards of quality community services to minority women.
Provide energetic community leadership and support.
Empower and recognize member's unique contribution to the organization
Expand our facility space and customer base and enhance the organization by pursing other health-related entities.
Produce a well-structured health awareness program that provides excellence, and the building of public interest, trust and pride.
Promote voluntary member interchange
Observance of ethical and professional standards
Conduct meetings and workshops/seminars on relevant health resources topics and issues pertaining to minority women health.
Collaborate our purpose and activities to a broader business community.
Cooperate with other health professionals (partners, stakeholders etc.) and related community-based organizations and the of our membership.
Improve funding strength and profitability.
Regularly publish newsletters throughout the year that will include: highlights, health updates and general health news pertaining to minority women health, executive board announcements, and upcoming programs.
The overall basis of our strong physical and health educational foundation bridges the gap on the disciplines of helping minority women to fight against various health disparities. Our support and funding are provided through community fund raisers, and private sectors for campaign interventions and activities that are designed for the health of racial/ethnic low-income minority women's populations.
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